This is a quick guide on how to load Evidence and Activities.
Using RightPath's End-of-Year Observation. (Please make sure YouTube is whitlisted to view).Hover over the APPR menu on the black navigation menu bar, choose "Teacher Evidence" or "Teacher Activities".
From the Evidence page, you can add, edit and remove new evidence.
1. To add new evidence:
- Click the "Add Evidence" button in the top right corner.
- Fill in the data needed in the Add Evidence pop up box.
- Select the domain and indicator from the Rubric dropdown menu.
- Add a description.
- Click "Select" to browse for your file to attach.
- Click the "Add" button.
- You can now view the evidence at any time by clicking the blue hyperlink.
2. To edit evidence:
- Click the pencil icon and you can edit the description, file added or comments.
- Click on the disk icon in the row to save the change you made or the red "X" to cancel it.
3. To delete evidence:
- Check the box next to the evidence on the left margin and click on the "Remove Selected" button located on top of the grid on the right margin.
Optional: Your district may also have an option labeled "Add Form". This is something the district has created that the teacher or evaluator can fill out and attach to the observations.
You will see a popup box that lists your options in the dropdown menu. Select your form and click "Add". Next, you will click the hyperlink and add your data to the form as needed.
From the Activity page, you can add, edit and remove new activities.
1. To add new activity:
- In the empty row at the bottom, select the type for the activity. If a category is not fitting, type the name in the text box to add a new activity.
- Choose the dates, input number of hours and comment. A file can be uploaded as evidence of the activity as well.
- Click on the disk icon to save the artifact.
2. To edit an activity:
- Using the pencil icon and you can edit the fields.
- Click on the disk icon in the row to save.
3. To delete an activity:
- Check the box next to the activity and click on the "Remove Selected" button.