Learn how to create and input scores for HEDI Sheets.

The HEDI Sheets feature of the RightPath™ Student Success System allows you to create and manage HEDI sheets within your district. The following information will allow you to become comfortable accessing and utilizing this feature. We will discuss the HEDI Sheets Search page and the HEDI Dashboard.

HEDI Sheets Search

Accessing the HEDI Sheets Search

1. Access APPR Menu on the Right Path home page

2. Hover over HEDI Sheets Menu

3. Select HEDI Sheet Search

Filters on HEDI Sheets Search 

On the HEDI Sheets Search, there are four options that you can use for filtering purposes:   

1. Not Started: Includes individuals who do not have a HEDI Sheet created at this point
2. Started Not Complete: Includes individuals who have a HEDI Sheet but information is missing
3. Complete: Includes HEDI Sheets that have been marked as complete
4. Excluded: Includes individuals not required a HEDI sheet according to your district.

Choosing a HEDI Sheet

Once you have made your filtering selections, you can choose a HEDI Sheet by either:  

1. Paging through the list of names in the Search Results

2. Typing a name into the search box

After you have located the individual whose HEDI Sheet you would like to view, simply click on his or her name to open the HEDI Sheet.

Parts of a HEDI Sheet

Each HEDI Sheet contains the teacher’s State ID, a HEDI Score Table, and the HEDI Rubric for reference. Depending on your district, some of this information may be pre-­‐loaded into the sheet.

  There are three categories that make up a HEDI score:

  1. State or SLO (20 points maximum)

  2. Local (20 points maximum)

  3. Observation/Other (60 points maximum)

  These categories can be modified on a HEDI Sheet under the HEDI Score Table. As you modify the points, the Rating will change according to the information in the HEDI Rubric.

You may also notice some icons in the Suggested column of the HEDI Score Table:

• The "information" icon will appear if there are multiple SLO scores that are able to be weighted according to your district parameters, if there are no observations for the individual, or if the individual has multiple observations. If you click on this icon, you will be prompted to either choose items or create a new observation.

• The "use suggested" button allows you to use the suggested score provided based on data stored within our system.

• The "Refresh" button allows you to refresh a suggested score if an observation has recently taken place and may impact the suggested score.

  Please note that if you enter a score for both the State and SLO categories, an error message will appear to alert you that this is not allowed. If this occurs, simply highlight the value you wish to remove and delete it from the HEDI Score Table.

  As you make your changes, please remember to click the "Save" button to ensure that your changes are saved throughout the process. 

Printing a HEDI Sheet

In order to access a printable version of the HEDI Sheet, first ensure that the sheet has been saved. Next, click on the "printable pdf"  button in the top right-­‐hand corner of the HEDI Sheet window. This will open a PDF version of the HEDI Sheet in a format suitable for printing.

Marking a HEDI Sheet as Complete

When you are ready to mark a HEDI Sheet as “Complete”, simply click on the "Complete" button. This will move the sheet to the “Complete” category on the HEDI Sheet Search.

Additional Features

From the HEDI Sheet Search page, you can also access three additional features located in the form of buttons in the top right-­‐hand corner:

  1. Import Data: Bulk upload scores in an Excel spreadsheet into our system

  2. Bulk PDF: Bulk print HEDI Sheets

  3. Exporting Data: Download an Excel spreadsheet in the Level 0 format to provide to the state.   

HEDI Dashboard
Accessing the HEDI Dashboard To access the HEDI Dashboard, which will allow you to see an overview of all HEDI Sheets within you building and/or district:
1. Hover over "APPR" tab on the RightPath™  homepage.
2. Hover over the HEDI Sheets menu.
3. Select HEDI dashboard

After the page refreshes, you will see a bar chart that shows you how many HEDI sheets are on the categories of “Not Started”, “Not Complete”, “Complete”, and "Excluded"

Choosing a Building

After the page refreshes, you will see a bar chart that shows you how many HEDI Sheets are in the categories of “Not Started”, “Not Complete”, “Complete”, and “Excluded”. The dashboard will default to showing all building within your district. If you would like to filter a specific district:

  1. Choose the building you would like to view from the Building dropdown menu.

  2. Click the "View Report" button.

The page will then refresh with the updated information for the building you choose.

Accessing the Details for Dashboard Categories

Each of the bars in the HEDI Dashboard are clickable. When you click on a bar, the details for that specific category will appear. You will then be presented with a list of individuals who fall within the category. From here, you are able to click on the individual’s name to either create a new HEDI Sheet or to access an existing HEDI Sheet based on the category you choose.


Additional Features

  From the HEDI Dashboard, you can also access three additional features located in the form of buttons in the top right-­‐hand corner:

  1. Import Data: Bulk upload scores in an Excel spreadsheet into our system

  2. Bulk PDF: Bulk print HEDI Sheets

  3. Exporting Data: Download an Excel spreadsheet in the Level 0 format to provide to the state.


