This is a User Guide with screen shots to demonstrate how to use the Observation Dashboard. 

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RightPath’s™ Formal Observation platform enables users to collaborate and view evaluationsin the classroom. The platform allows administrators to record evaluations on the customizable protocol adopted by the school district. The Observation platform can be used on tablets, smartphones, and various other electronic mobile devices.

Accessing the Observation Dashboard

The Observation Dashboard will be very useful to see the statuses of the evaluations. To access the Observation Dashboard, click on APPR>Observation Dashboard.


You will be directed to the Observation dashboard where you can filter by year, building, and type of evaluation. Click on the "View Report" button to have your filters applied to the graph.

Click on the blue bar marked of the category you would like to view. Click on the "In Progress" bar to see the list of teachers that are in that category.

Using the Observation Search Page

You will be redirected to the Evaluation Search page where you can access all your "In Progress" evaluations.


From the Observation Search page, any evaluation can be edited, deleted, marked as complete or sent to the User.

If you want to edit an evaluation, simply click on the red pencil on the left margin to reopen the evaluation to make your changes.

If you want to delete an evaluation, click on the red circle with the white bar in it and confirm that you want to delete it.

If you are completely done with the evaluation, click the disk icon to "Mark as Complete".

Once the disk icon in selected, the icon will change to a lock icon and the word "Complete" will show in the grid.

To send a copy of this evaluation to the teacher, click on the envelope icon in the "Actions column". An email will be sent to the teacher in their Right Reason Technologies email account alerting them that the evaluation has been completed. The word ‘Sent’ will now show in the Status column. This completes the evaluation.

The evaluation will reflect "Acknowledged" when the teacher has opened their Right Reason Technologies email and acknowledged the evaluation.

The Observation Search page can be used to filter the evaluation listed by year, type(rubric), building, teacher and status. Click the check boxes to list the specific evaluations that you want to see. You can view all the teachers you have access to by leaving the teacher search box blank.

A red pencil will be displayed in the left column if the evaluation can be edited. A magnifying glass will be displayed if the evaluation was completed and sent to the User.

If a completed evaluation needs to be edited, the evaluator can click on the lock icon in the Status column to unlock this evaluation. This will allow the reviewer to make changes to this evaluation before it is sent to the teacher.

If the evaluation has already been sent, click the lock icon and an email will be sent to the teacher who will need to click on the link to unlock the evaluation . This evaluation will now be available for the evaluator to make changes.

A new filter has been added to our Observation Search page. This includes being able to pull up evaluations based on the Reviewer Name.