What is Gradebook?

Teachers have the added ability to keep track of grades within Planbook Plus. Instead of utilizing one tool to streamline your lesson planning and another to organize the result of that planning, Planbook Plus is presenting the ability to do it all in one place. Teachers have the ability to auto-grade, score, and record student grades on any assignment. Planbook Plus will also provide teachers the opportunity to review and check student progress. 

How to Access Gradebook

Gradebook can be accessed by clicking the 'Gradebook' button on the black menu bar.

This will bring you to the Gradebook page within Planbook Plus. Here is where you will select the Planbook and corresponding class in which you would like to view. 

Once a planbook and class is selected, your Gradebook will populate with a list of students assigned to that class, student averages, and assignments you have given them.  

The following colors indicate the current status of a lesson

To Add a Grade for a Lesson Plan Assignment: To Add a Grade for a Lesson Plan Assignment (Blue)

Blue lessons are those that have not been assigned to students online, but from a planbook manually. By clicking the blue box under the Lesson Plan Assignment, you will have the ability to manually type in a grade for your students by clicking the box. 

Example: Abby Alan received an 80 on her Lesson 1 assignment

Progress of Online Lessons

To check the progress of any lesson, in progress, submitted, sent back, or graded lessons, simply click on a color box for the desired student and lesson.

This will bring you to the details of the lesson, allowing you to grade student's work and leave students comments. 

You are also able to check the progress and work of other students by using the 'Student' drop-down menu.

The teacher has the option to filter through student work multiple ways: 

  • View Ungradeable Content- will display Extended Response questions that have not been auto-graded
  • View Gradeable Content- will display all multiple choice questions, under Independent Practice. These items have been auto-graded for you.
  • View All Content- will display all the content of the lesson (prior knowledge, vocabulary, learning component, etc.) 
Multiple Choice Questions:

If a question is highlighted in green, this indicated the student
successfully answered the question correct

If a question is highlighted in red, this indicates the student did not 
answer the question correct. The check mark will indicate the answer the student has chosen.

If you choose to override what the computer has marked as correct or incorrect for a specific multiple choice question, you have the ability to do so by using the radio buttons (Incorrect or Correct).

Extended Response Questions:

Extended Response questions will appear as 'Ungraded Content' because it will need teacher attention. The teacher has the ability to mark extended response questions as incorrect, correct, or you can choose to give the student partial credit for the question.

Once you have made all the necessary changes, you can scroll the the top and click the "Save" button.

Leaving Student Feedback

To leave a student feedback simply expand the Feedback section by clicking on the double arrows next to feedback. Teachers will have the ability to add new feedback to their students in a rich text box. 
Math teachers- clicking the equation editor  will allow you to add math symbols as apart of your feedback. 

Once you are done, click "Save."

Overriding Grades

To override a grade, simply click the "Override Grade" button. 

A pop-up window will display allowing you to manually override a grade and giving the student different grade than the one the computer generated. Once you have typed in the desired grade, click the "Save" button. 

This will override the student's grade in your grade book and adjust their average accordingly.

Reassigning Lessons


To reassign a lesson, click the "Reassign" button. This will assign the student the lesson again, adding it to his/her list of "In Progress" lessons.