The End of Year observation uses the evaluations performed for a teacher throughout the year to produce an overall score for the year. 

Make sure YouTube is whitelisted to view the video. Direct link to video: 

Hover over the APPR option on the black menu bar and click "Observation Search". Click the "Add Observation" button in the top right corner and a pop up box will display.  Fill in the data needed and select the "End of Year" rubric from the drop down menu.

Click on "Schedule & Start" to begin.

Once you have landed on the End of Year observation edit page, you can begin attaching observations and evidence.  The process for each of these is similar. 

Click the "Attach More" button under the Attached Observations label to attach evaluations. A typical EOY observation will have a formal observation principal type and an informal independent type observation. Please note the observation must be in the "Complete", "Sent to User" or "Acknowledged" status to be available to attach to the End of year observation. Check off the box next to the evaluations you want to attach.  Click the "Attach Selected" button in the bottom left of the pop up box.

After the evaluations have been attached, the EOY will populate a score at the bottom of the form. You can now move to the next step of adding evidence or remove any unwanted observations.

Remember to click the "Save" button at the top of the screen every now and then so your work will be saved in case you leave your computer unattended for a lengthy period of time.  Clicking "Save" will also calculate the score which is shown at the bottom of the EOY.

Attaching evidence is similar to attaching the observations. Click the "Add Evidence" button and check off the evidence you would like to include.  Next click the "Add Selected Evidence" button at the bottom to attach it.

You can also add evidence at this time by selecting the rubric, entering a description and uploading a file and clicking the floppy disk icon to save it.   Next click the "Add Selected Evidence" button at the bottom to attach it.

The screen will refresh and you will see the added evidence.  You can remove any that are incorrect by clicking on the "Remove" button.


You may also add Narrative Notes and Concluding Remarks by clicking the "Edit" button under each label.  

If you copy text into one of the note sections, please use the "Paste as Plain Text" option so you won't have issues with garbled text.

When you are finished with the End of Year observation form, you will click "Save".  If you have completed the EOY observation, click the "Mark Complete" button at the top of the page.  The score will be shown at the bottom of observation and is now available for the HEDI sheet.  You can override this score by putting a number in the "Override Score" box and clicking "Save".  

Click the "Return to Search" arrow to return to the Observation Search page.

The EOY observation can be sent to the teacher by clicking the envelope icon on the observation search grid.